January 11 - February 18, 2011
Babcock Galleries, New York NY
The 1911 fire was Manhattan's largest workplace tragedy. Abusively overworked garment workers at New York's Triangle Shirtwaist Factory were unable to escape the massive flames that took approximately 146 lives and the fire's aftermath lead to widespread unionization and workplace reform, basic rights that many of us encounter each day. Drawn in Smoke, features 160 smoke illustrations each inscribed with the victims' names. Covering an entire gallery wall, this installation leaves viewers with hallowing and cathartic emotions towards her geometric works, which the artist designed to resemble pages of a book. Although the fire's oft-disputed death toll is frequently reported as 146, Bart created 160 images because it's the number she found in Cornell University's archives. She respectfully said, "Its not my place to say who to leave off. I'm not a historian, I'm an artist." Drawn in Smoke also features two additional works by Bart, both of which provide supplementary face to underappreciated everyday women. - Misty Sidell, Elle Magazine